Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 5(kinda) Hair of the dog

I got to thinking about mixtapes and hangovers...there really isn't a time I don't want to listen to music no matter what state I am in. I like all sorts (though I must admit the general audience "pop" music does not pass my ears real often and I prefer it that way) There are alot of great drinking songs, drunk songs and partyin songs, but songs to listen to whilst hungover is the challenge. So here is what I came up with....if I were to truly put it to disc I would add a few more, but you get the idea :)))

Great funky instrumental by The Martinis

Dakota by the Stereophonics xx

The Rolling Stones- Moonlight Mile 

The folk-rock band from North Carolina: The Avett Brothers
When I drink

Atmosphere outta Minneapolis with Free Fallin

The New Pornographers with My Slow descent into Alcoholism  

In closing the legendary Tom Waits
Drunk on the Moon

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 3? Hair of the dog

Most of us have had em what the best cure.....most often heard and I do try to practice this one...
Since drinking alcohol actually dehydrates you, water seriously's the alcohol, it blocks hormones in your kidneys from doing their job so you end up losing more water than you take in. The first thing this usually causes is the dreaded headache....therefore water!!! 

A recent study found that extract from prickly pears can alleviate hangover symptoms like dry mouth nausea and loss of appetite...I've never tried it but it may be something to keep in mind nerxt time I'm browsing the natural remedies aisle! 

Menudo..the mexican soup made with tripe has long been known to cure hangovers. I have known many a friend who adhere by I can't get past the tripe, so it won't work :P

The Bloody Mary...I tried this was even worse whilst hungover. But alot of people love this drink and it is well known to be effective in getting rid of the i drank too much last night blues :)

Then of course there is the ole hair of the dog!  Another one I don't care for, usually for me a drink is the LAST thing I wanna see. It is scientifically proven to have some effect though. It alleviates alcohol withdrawl, which is part of what a hangover is.... The phrase comes from Scotland..where it was written in 1898 in the Dictionary of Phrase & Fable "It is a popular belief that a few hairs of the dog that bit you applied to the wound will prevent evil consequences. In the drinking world this means if you have overindulged too freely take a glass of the SAME wine within 24 hours to soothe the nerves. 'If this dog do you bite,soon as out of your bed, take a hair of the tail the next day'"